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Rageot, Maxime ; Hussein, Ramadan B. ; Beck, Susanne ; Altmann-Wendling, Victoria ; Ibrahim, Mohammed I. M. ; Bahgat, Mahmoud M. ; Yousef, Ahmed M. ; Mittelstaedt, Katja ; Filippi, Jean-Jacques ; Buckley, Stephen ; Spiteri, Cynthianne ; Stockhammer, Philipp W. (2023) Biomolecular analyses enable new insights into ancient Egyptian embalming. In: Nature, 614 (2023), pp. 278-293
Stadler, Martin (2023) The Book of the Dead as a source for the study of ancient egyptian religion: methodology, problems, prospects. In: Lucarelli, Rita ; Stadler, Martin (Hrsgg.): The Oxford handbook of the Egyptian Book of the Dead. Oxford; New York 2023, pp. 263-278 (Oxford handbooks)
Stadler, Martin (2023) The hieroglyphic inscriptions on the coffin of Soter (BM EA 6705). In: Habachy, Mounir ; Servajean, Frédéric (Hrsgg.): A wise man from the beloved land. Recueil de textes offerts à Aly Omar Abdalla par ses collègues, amis et étudiants. Montpellier 2023, pp. 267-278 (Cahiers de l'ENiM ; 34)