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Jansen-Winkeln, Karl (2016) Zur Chronologie der späten 20. Dynastie. In: Göttinger Miszellen, 249 (2016), pp. 67-84
Book Section
Quack, Joachim Friedrich (2016) Translating the realities of cult. The case of the Book of the Temple. In: Rutherford, Ian (Hrsg.): Greco-Egyptian Interactions. Literature, Translation, and Culture, 500 BCE - 300 CE. Oxford 2016, pp. 267-286
Quack, Joachim Friedrich (2016) The last stand? What remains Egyptian in Oxyrhynchus. In: Ryholt, Kim ; Barjamovic, Goyko (Hrsgg.): Problems of canonicity and identity formation in Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia. Kopenhagen 2016, pp. 105-126 (CNI Publications ; 43)