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Engel, Eva-Maria (2019) Haring. B. - From Single Sign to Pseudo-Script. An Ancient Egyptian System of Workmen's Identity Marks. In: Bibliotheca Orientalis, 76 (2019), pp. 82-85
Faist, Betina (2019) Eine neuassyrische Vereinbarung zur Schuldübernahme. In: Nouvelles assyriologiques brèves et utilitaires, (2019), pp. 86-87
Faist, Betina (2019) Legal texts as a historical source: how to use and to deal with them. In: Lanfranchi, G.B. ; Mattila, R. ; Rollinger, R. (Hrsgg.): Writing Neo-Assyrian History. Sources, Problems, and Approaches. Proceedings of an International Conference Held at the University of Helsinki on September 22-25, 2014. 2019, pp. 261-273 (ublications of the Foundation for Finnish Assyriological Research / State Archives Of Assyria Studies ; 27 / 29)
Peust, Carsten (2019) Nochmals zur Kataphora im Älteren Ägyptisch. In: Lingua Aegyptia, 27 (2019), pp. 237-242
Peust, Carsten (2019) Zum Augment neuägyptischer Verbalformen. In: Lingua Aegyptia, 27 (2019), pp. 139-164
Peust, Carsten (2019) Zur Frageintonation im Altbabylonischen. In: Zeitschrift für Assyriologie, 109 (2019), Nr. 1. pp. 62-74